Our professional reviewer

1990 American Bicycle Manufacturing (ABM) M-16

No bicycle website or magazine in the world does product reviews the right way. You can’t take a new product, try it out for a week and be able to evaluate its merits in any meaningful way. To review something accurately, you need to let the dust settle while a trend or fad plays itself out. You need to have miles and lots of time roll over your subject. Thirty years should do it.

Our friend Eben Weiss (BikeSnobNYC) is reviewing our 1990 American M-16 mountain bike right now. He should be able to tell you the benefits and design problems of this bike within the next few months.

Unlike Jan Heine’s vintage product reviews in Bicycle Quarterly, Eben’s aim will be to amuse and entertain, not merely to sell you his own brand of wide touring tires or bitch about the fork rake on modern bikes..

Amuse yourself here:https://bikesnobnyc.com/2020/01/15/classic-cycle-thursdays/