
Jaime is a member of the small-business mafia. 
She was raised by bakery business owners (Pat and Rich of Sugee’s Bakery in Bellevue), and has been a veteran of a half-dozen other operations. Her resumé includes Churchmouse Yarns and Tea here on the island, The Birkenstock store in Seattle, and bakeries in Bellevue, Bellingham, and Colorado.  She tried corporate life at Microsoft and the non-profit world at Islandwood, but just like the mafia, she could never “go legit.”  By the way, check out her start, and get a great lunch at:


In the cycling world, Jaime walks the walk.  She can be seen riding her bike to work with Paul and Tulio nearly every day, and if you run into her at the grocery store, chances are that she is pedaling her purchases home.