Marin Stinson

Marin Stinson 2

Marin’s comfort/recreation bikes are built to just hop on and go riding.
Marin designed the Stinson so that It could be ridden comfortably in regular clothing. The seat has ample cushion, so there is no need for padded bike shorts. The grips feel right without gloves, and the chainguard keeps your pants from getting snagged in the works. An upright position and stable handling makes this bike work well for a new bike rider or someone who wants to pay attention to the scenery, not to their aching neck.

The Stinson uses bigger cruiser-sized tires (think mountain bike tires, but smoother) to give the bike a soft and stable ride.
A lot of people think that they want a beach cruiser bike for roaming around the neighborhood. A great idea, but beach cruisers are not ideal for the Puget Sound region. Beach cruisers typically have a single speed (which makes it tough to climb up hills), swept-back bars (which make the bike hard to control if you get up out of the saddle) and coaster brakes (which don’t offer enough stopping power on hilly terrain or wet streets). Don’t buy a beach cruiser. Buy this Marin.