1986 Hutch Pro Racer

1986 Hutch Pro Racer

Who says that boys can’t ride pink bikes?

True, our friend Jay Elhardt built this bike for his wife to ride, but it isn’t necessarily a girls bike.

During BMX’s prime time, Hutch factory racer Mike Miranda and freestyler Woody Itson both rode pink machines.  Mike’s visage leapt off the covers of BMX Plus leading the field on his pink Hutch.

Jay restored this totally tubular time machine with some of the coolest components.  Tioga tires, Oakley grips, three-piece cranks, a laid back post and a Dia-Compe Nippon rear brake.

The wheels roll around on nylon ACS Z-Rims.  Nylon rims, like the aluminum rims that they were replacing, were plenty strong.  Of course, like any “alternative” product used in bike construction, Z-rims had their skeptics and were the subject of a few myths.  The skeptics were sure that the plastic rims would break easily (ignoring their own dented rims) as compared to metal.

Mike Miranda and his pink Hutch Hollywood

White ACS Z-rims

JT Racing plate

DK Stem

Laid-back post

Of the myths, my favorite was always told by a defensive Z-rim rider.  They would swear quite earnestly that their wheels could be trued by simply sticking them in the freezer.  Now, as a BMX rider who grew up in frosty Minnesota, Jay would be the first person to tell you that simply freezing these wheels will do nothing to straighten out a warped rim.  Likewise, after 30 years in existence, Z-rim skeptics can quit wondering about long-term durability.