

Bicycle derailleurs get all of the glory, but it is really the lowly bicycle seat that will make (or break) your ride.  If what you have isn’t working, come in to the shop and try out a new saddle.

We have bike seats from Brooks, Serfas, Selle Italia, Selle San Marco, Fizik, Evo, Selle Royal, WTB, and Terry.  Why so many?  Because one rider’s favorite seat is another rider’s torture device.  You can pick a saddle out based on pelvic bone width (there is a measuring device for this, believe it or not), you can pick a saddle out based on “squishiness”, or you can take a wild guess.  We’ll give you two weeks to ride your new saddle, and if it doesn’t work, try out something different.

The saddle on the spin class bikes killing you?  Gel seat covers are available…