About our museum…
The bikes featured in this museum section are privately owned by Jaime Amador, Paul Johnson and Jeff Groman, as well as other friends of Classic Cycle. We display them in this space to share their beauty and showcase the skill and creativity that went into making them.
This website is not intended to be a research archive. While we like to be accurate in our descriptions, we don’t really care if a particular bike was made in 1952 or if it was 1953. A bike built today could be labeled a 2024 or 2025 model. It could be exactly the same as a 2020 model, and may not get sold until 2027. In 50 years it would be really nice if folks just went out for a bike ride and didn’t bicker over the exact vintage of their classic bike. In other words, if you’re really concerned about manufacturing dates and serial numbers, good for you. Just keep it to yourself.
To the serious bike collectors out there: We don’t care if the saddle on our 1972 Colnago isn’t “period correct.” Enjoy looking at the collection or don’t. Plenty of brand new bikes roll out the doors of modern bike shops sporting saddles or bottle cages that were new during the Clinton administration.
Likewise, this museum section is meant to be interesting and entertaining, and we would never let the facts get in the way of a good story.